Mining Indaba 2024

    Diesel quality and its importance

    SANS 342:2016 (South African National Standard) is the standard that governs the quality of diesel in South Africa. The SANS…

    New exploration approval for ReconAfrica in Namibia’s northeast

    Canadian company Reconnaissance Energy Africa and its joint venture partner, the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia, have been granted approval…

    Debunking common myths about flare-to-power solutions

    Today, flare-to-power solutions are garnering more and more attention as an innovative new method for tackling the environmental and economic…

    Africa’s US$800 billion upstream investment cycle underlines the central role of oil and gas in the continent’s energy future

    The African upstream oil and gas sector is in the middle of an US$800 billion capital expenditure (capex) programme that…

    Exploration & Development

    Comprehensive information on exploration & development and latest mining market data in Africa.